City Shops
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City Shops is a leading shop directory. Find shops in major Australian cities including Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide, Hobart, Canberra, Darwin.
Shopping in Australia is an exciting experience, as much for the tourists as for the local population. The shops and malls are ultramodern with all the comforts and amenities the modern technology and development can provide. Biggest shopping cities are Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney with tens of millions of visitors every year.
Sydney especially is full of shops, being the travel hotspot that it is, and there is no shortage of Sydney accommodation to house all the visiting shoppers.
There are around 1500 shopping centres in Australia, and nearly 55,000 specialty stores in Australian shopping centres.

Australian Shops
Shops around Australia
Australia Perth Shops Darwin Shops Adelaide Shops Brisbane Shops Sydney Shops Canberra Shops Melbourne Shops Hobart Shops